• 10 Wyandotte Place Seven Hills NSW 2145
  • sales@yesservices.com.au
  • Office Hours (Mon-Fri): 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Cyber Security Solutions

Any cyber security incident, regardless of its severity, can be terrible for your organisation. We have extensive knowledge of cyber security as well as the essential technologies and procedures to enhance your resilience and cyber security posture. Every day, cyberattacks become more frequent and destructive. The exposure is at least equivalent to that of small and medium-sized businesses.

According to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study, 43% of all cyber-attacks are directed at SMEs, And just 14% of these SMEs are prepared to defend themselves. Not only does a cyber attack disrupt normal operations, but it may cause damage to important IT assets and infrastructure that can be impossible to recover from without the budget or resources to do so.

What we do?

  • We provide solutions to protect your on-premises and cloud IT assets from cyber attacks, viruses and malware attacks.
  • We also do assessments to check your IT network and assets for vulnerabilities and fix them.

As your dedicated and reliable advisors, we prioritise crafting customised solutions that perfectly align with your needs. By partnering with top-tier vendors, we consistently deliver robust and comprehensive security solutions designed to protect and empower your business.
